Monday, December 6, 2010

Training: Week of Nov 29

M - 43'
T - 52' Waterfront in town, windy
W - 40' Cat W first snow on ground
T - 68' [with 10' tempo, 6 x Yarker hills (86 to 76 sec)]
F - 41'
S - 30'
S - 3:20 Front Pk, Arkon W, Bufflehead - Moulton, Little Clear, BSL. Great until bonkage last hour. Light snow, beautiful day on the trails. Park empty... everyone at the mall. (We stopped at Chapters on Saturday and even the overflow to the overflow parking lot was overflowing.)

Total 7.9 hours

Graduated to monthly physio appts. Felt solid on long run structurally. It's like a miracle to be training again. Big pot of chili waiting when we got home.


Sue said...

I can't believe all those people waste so much time at the mall when they could be outside enjoying themselves. So glad that your feeling awesome and training again. Enjoy that chili!

Sara Montgomery said...

I know eh, but tis the season for trinkets, wahoos and bamboozles!! (Not sure if I got that quite right.)

Thanks re training! Feels good, bonks and all.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hate the mall. Love chapters. Love chili. Enjoy. I admire your comeback. Happy trails.

Sara Montgomery said...

Thanks, Buttons.
Every person in Kingston was loving Chapters on Saturday afternoon it seemed! :)

KarenM said...

Very, very, very, VERY HAPPY for you!
I knew things were not going too well, at one point, way back, way, way the slumps of physio, when you talked ...
(only talked mind you..) of (I'll whisper it) swimming?
You are where you belong!

Sara Montgomery said...

Snort! Too funny, Karen. The weird thing is I LOVE to swim. I really do. Kind of like I love downhill skiing. (And I do each of them about twice a decade!)

I haven't forgotten our victory run - we both deserve lots of them in 2011!

Derrick said...

Speaking of downhill you think that now that we're both healthy that it would be a great time to hit some crazy ski hill?

chris mcpeake said...

glad the training is going good. I wish I had some chili waiting for me at home