Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Late Summer Update

I got to a certain point in my recovery which I was finding difficult to get past, so I have been going to see an amazing physio who specializes in running. I'm completely impressed by her approach, how she has been looking at the big picture of how things are working together.

Frankly, I have no patience left to throw at a slow recovery, so I have cut my mileage for a few weeks and am rehabbing like crazy to get things off the ground. Cutting my mileage is very hard because I'm just starting to get some fitness back, but my gut is telling me that if I can just hang in there to lay a good foundation from this particular rehab, then I will be in a much, much, much better place to increase. In three visits I'm already noticing massive improvements in my pelvic alignment and glute function, so at least I have obvious feedback that I'm on the right track.

Running-wise it's been a very challenging year and I'm feeling a bit desperate by this point, but I have to acknowledge that a lot of good has come out of it. I should be all positive-minded and list those good things, but I'm not in the mood to do that anymore. Seriously, time to move on.

UPDATE: I should delete this post for being so whiney!


Sue said...

I can't believe no one commented yet and told you to "SUCK IT UP GIRL" :) I'm so just kidding...you know that :). There's a light at the end of the tunnel remember that. Plus you haven't even started to peak yet in ultrarunning...think that starts somewhere around 45+.

Sara Montgomery said...

Haha, I guess no one wanted to be the first to say it. :)

Yeah, 40 and beyond rocks for ultras. Bring it on!

Thanks, today was a much better day already.